You are an entrepreneur or small business Job Function Email List owner or aspiring small business owner and you want a new venture. Do you buy Job Function Email List an existing business? Do you start your own business? Buying an existing business can be safer than starting your own business from start-up. Business startups Job Function Email List unfortunately have a fairly high failure rate. Many figures on failure are passed around and it depends on what numbers to believe, but the rate is fairly high. Statistics I've seen from the Small Business Administration (SBA) show Job Function Email List that 56% fail within 4 years.
If you buy an existing Job Function Email List business, you'll have dramatically improved your chances of success. Again, failure/success rates are up for interpretation but your odds are greatly increased. Many businesses for sale have passed the crucial 5 year mark. The owners have Job Function Email List run their business successfully for many years. Why would someone want to sell a successful business? There are many real reasons for people Job Function Email List wanting to sell a successful business - Retirement, illness, relocation, burnout, etc. Below list reasons and benefits in buying Job Function Email List an existing business vs. starting your own business. Business Start ups versus Existing Business Acquisitions.
Actual results rather than pro-forma - Sure, business plans and income projections look great on paper. With an existing business, you already KNOW the ACTUAL performance of the business - you can look at the tax returns, P&L, etc. 2) Immediate cash Job Function Email List flow - You may step into a business that's already returning a nice cash flow to the owner every month immediately. Start-ups could take years to positive cash flow. 3) Trained employees in place - Most of our businesses for sale come with well-trained employees already in place.